Friday, 22 November 2013


My first impressions of the game Kaos was mentally uncomfortable however weirdly liberating. The key to playing the game was to keep on the ball and always stay alert otherwise you would lose were you were in the game. i think once you get the gist of it, it becomes much easier to participate but it means fully engaging in the game.

How to play : 
A circle of people 
A throwing ball (soft)
First Layer
Start by standing in a circle. One person stats by simotsiouly saying someone in the circles name when your name has been said you carry on this chain. However once you name is said it an not be said again. Until everyone name is said you repeat this pattern in the same order.
(Don't discard this name order)
Second layer 
Start a completely different order but in the same structure as layer one but with a ball. So someone starts with someone throwing a ball to a another particapent in the cricle and then that person pass it on but you are not allowed to pass it to someone how has already had a throwen or caught the ball.

Once you have both layers (both name and ball orders/chains) you put them together so wilest both chains are going on at the same time. it can get every confusing meaning you need complete concentration.

Things to Remember
It's a philosophy of collective responsibility ,
Generosity not seeing a failure as a negative 

Layer 3 is stage work (stage directions ) 
Third layer is moving to a different position in the circle ,completely new chain , whilts the other chains are going on.

Improvised expression was saying layer one names in different ways we were able to feed form to reacted

 Best way to make a bad play is to have bad transitions. Needs to flow - to keep the engery up 

For layer one familiarize your self with the name order sounds of everyone's name so your on the ball an ready to say your persons name
Have the thrower and the person your directed the ball in your periferal vison

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