Friday 13 December 2013

Catch a clap

You begin you in a evenly spaced circle, with everyone paying attention everyones start the same a beat with your feet. A tempo of a heart beat would be best suited. When ready you start a spontaouis clap passing across the circle making sure you exchange eye contacted with one another when passing the clap to ensure it was deliverd to the right person. when resiving the clap make sure you make a seperate clap to resive the clap and then to send it so each indivishal claps twice. This gives you time to aim the clap at someone.

When you and the rest of the pasticatens are ready start wlaking around the room , into the nearist space free, but keeping witht the heart beat rhythem with you feet. When ready start passing the clap around the room, using your periferal vison to make aware of were the clap is in the room. This game depends on the collective resonbility of everyone else i that they are keeping alter the clap so they are fully prepared if the clap is passed to them.

When the clap is lost or is off beat rember its not a negative and alothough you may feel the need to sign or a disapopintment just canclle it out and carry on.

When the clap is going well, to spice it up start a new chain whilst the other one is going on !

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