Thursday 5 December 2013

Experimenting with Stage Configurations

In groups of 6 we devised a short scene using the first 5 lines of the play experimenting with stage configurations . Our group got thrust witch i was was quite pleases with because , i think physical thearter works really well in thrust because no clarity form the performance is lost.

Once we had finished rehearsing we all shared our short scenes with the class and voted for the most effective piece scene and another groups stage configuration.  

I think the chosen piece works really well and is well related to our play. the beginning starts with everyone on the fall and then us raising ours arms ,like a salute ,in unison and thumping them tot he ground. i next part involves us all sitting up and saying "imagine" as a chorus. This uses the waking up for the first time exercise witch looks really effective. that all we got to at them momment but heres a it and more in action...

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