Friday 13 December 2013

Reseaching Skinheads


How are youth subcultures defined and when and why do they emerge?

All teenagers go thought identity crises, a wanting to belong some were be a part of something. The majority of youths define themselves mostly depending on the social class and ethnic background as well as characterized by its adoption of a particular music genre. This impact on the way they dress as well as their shared attitude towards things politics.

What are the defining features of youth culture?

For example:

Rastafarian, Rasta’s - They come from a black Jamaican subculture, it’s a religious movement

Teddy boys - A British youth subculture first appeared in the 1950s. Mainly from unskilled teenagers, with whom adopted a pseudo Edwardian dress code and listened to rock’n’roll music, they were involved in race riots in the United Kingdom. In ways similar to skin heads.

Boot boys, Skinheads - a youth subculture that appeared first in England in the late 1960s as a working-class reaction to the hippies. Hair was cropped close to the scalp, almost bald and wore work-shirts and short jeans with braces to hold them up and heavy red boots/ doc martins. They were involved in many violent racial attacks, traditional skins heads extreme racists.

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