Sunday 16 February 2014

Common Ground Review - 13


A couple of weeks ago i went to the common ground play 13.  At the very beginning the of play it opens with everyone on stage screaming and a big light swoons down form the ceiling. Being right at the front i thought it looked really bookey and scary. i understood that everyone was having some sort of nightmare.  i think it was really effective repeating this scene though out the play with all the charatures involved because it some how all linked them together.

One thing i really loved and remembered was when we all invited back onto the stage after the interval and they used immerive staging so we were part of the "play" or the crowed as it was. i also really enjoyed jophes speech because it made me really think about everything in my own life.

I thought the white cube was really cool, although it did squeak although when moved, but apart form that i thought it was really cool. It was used form multiple things, like when the American family used it as a kitchen and was used for a jail cell a couple of times. it also helped to emerge the split scene together meaning the different scenes jumped form on group of people to another.

I really enjoyed the choral singing, even though it was a bit random i though it really bought the hole thing together , and showed that all the charatures were linked in some way or another.

It was a shame how some of the actors lines were lost, witch was a shame, because they were all very good. But i think a bit of work on projection would have done the trick. But as a hole i really enjoyed the play and went away thinking about it piecing it all together. 

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