Sunday 16 February 2014

Notes on the rehearsal before the performance

When rehearsing before the show we discussed some points which i have elaborated on ...

Getting rid of the luls

A lul is an unnecessary pause of silence which rewinds and brings down the energy of the play. Some luls can be earned , weather it is to used to create tension or to have an emotional effect on the audience , the luls can only be earn t. 

Costume justification 

When in costume i felt more alive and prepared for on did i not only feel like a skinheads i looked like one. At the beginning of the year sir told us to bring a item of clothing or an object that helped us get in to character, so next turn i am going to give it ago because i though it really helped at the time. also having a familiar object with you on stage i think will benefit the performance for me personally.

Poise not pause 

When freeing what your doing on stage, dont pause , but poise. it makes the action look as if it were to carry on making it look realistic.

Transitions should be seamless/overlaying in transitions  

When transitioning it shouldn't be messy but smooth and seamless. It makes the scenes overlay neatly. it is very important because bad transitions can rewin a piece of theartre making it look un organised and hard for the audience to follow.

Carry though the lines 

At the end of a line carry though with it keeping the same energy throughout for what many people do is to descend the energy at the end of a sentence but it loses importance of it.

Not to fidget

if fidgeting on stage it distracts the audiences attention form the main focus. also it is really annoying.

Pause , not drop 

When i director tells you to pause they mean stop exsacally were you are, and is very irritating when you drop your propositioning  because they can not tell were you have just left off from.

Don't lose focus  

when rehearsing it is difficult not to lose focus, but it elongates the rehearsal even more. when the director is focusing on something that dosnt necessaries involve you carry on listen for who knows when you might be needed.


use the space to adjust to the audience. sense of space has to adapted. when rehearsing in the place of performance. 


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