Wednesday 12 February 2014

The fishers expertise

The fishers exersize is when there is a leader in the group, and job of everyone else is to follow and copy the direction in witch they are travelling in. If you are unable to see the leader it is best to copy the rest of the group for everyone is moving together as ensemble.  It should look seamless and should be unable to direct who the leader is with in the group . The coral movement should create a wave effect, and should ripple though the group. Following the leader using peripheral vision  is key and will help you greatly.

I like this exercises for not only was it enjoyable but looked good visually. When being part of the group i felt like were as one, like one body, but we were all important in ourself and controlled one part of the body to make it hole. The reasoning for the name "fishers exersize" is because fish travel is groups called "shoal" . when fish travel in a shoal  there is a unannounced leader so they move as one following each other in a way of communication.

We are incorporating the exercises at the beging of black out when we are all entering. 

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